
Just another weblog

Cough, sniffle sniffle, ACHOO! January 19, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — palmasabina @ 7:22 pm

That’s been the chorus at our house the last month as we’ve all gone through at least two tours of sickness.  I am fighting (perhaps losing) yet another bug that has me aching with a sore throat.  Isa was very sick for the week after New Year’s.  He had a fever of 104 for six days straight.  It was scary and when he’s sick, everything is just harder.  He’s more clingy, wants to be held & carried all the time, can’t sleep at night because of congestion, rejects food but wants to nurse constantly.  It exhausts me. So that’s the reason why I haven’t posted recently. Let me start by saying in the midst of all this we had a relatively sickness free zone of a couple of days in which we celebrated Isa’s 2nd Birthday! We had family over for pizza/tamales and fun. Of course, Isa was ready for it to be over before it began by greeting everyone at the door with “Bye bye,” and then saying, “I want night night.” But a good time was had by all. We even got Pop Pop to play happy birthday on his trombone. You can see the video below.

Isa’s vocabulary continues to explode. His powers of perception are deep too. He watched a movie recently with his Dad called Wall-e about a robot that goes around picking up trash and cleaning up the Earth. A few days later in the bathtub, Isa was fixed on a little piece of fluff floating in the water, like lint from his socks or something. He chased it around the tub trying to catch it calling it Wall-e. I had no idea why he was calling it Wall-e until someone explained the plot of the movie to me.

His favorite expressions at the moment are:

  • “Don’t fall down.”—he says this to any object he’s about to throw on the ground or when he’s standing on something he knows he shouldn’t.

  • “Isa so tall”—he says this when standing on something high.

  • “I’m gonna catch you.” –this is our favorite game. Isa runs to the bedroom and stands in the farthest corner, I run in a grab his belly then he chases me to the living room to “find” me in one of several hiding places. I mix it up so that he’s genuinely surprised when I do jump out and yell “Boo!” He gives out a scream of delight and we do it all over again and again . . .

  • “Daddy/Mommy baby crawl”—this is what Isa says when he wants to play the game above with the variation that one of us chases him crawling like a baby. Sometimes Isa is successful in getting both me and Eduardo to do this at the same time. Recently we found ourselves crawling around the apartment on our sore knees (we’ve wished for knee pads on several occasions) trying to discuss dinner plans or the week’s schedule or some such adult thing like that and the absurdity of our reality really sank in!

  • “I don’t want that.”—said for just about anything all the time

  • “I want that way go.”—his way of directing us to carry him where he wants to go.

  • “I wanna ________.”—fill in the blank. This could be anything. Some of his recent demands have included: mustache, candy bar, ice cream, friend, meatball.

  • “Open the door.” Or “Come.” –when he wants to get out of the bedroom

Here are two videos–

The first is Christmas Morning when Isa discovered his train set.  He has a very serious look about him as he figures it all out.

The second video is from Isa’s Brithday.  Pop Pop plays trombone while we sing Happy Birthday and blow out the candles.


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